Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Polygyny: Tradition, Islam and me

Polygyny is the form of marriage practiced in Africa, it is the practice of one man having more than one wife at one time while Polygamy is the practice of having more than one wife or husband at one time (just felt the need to state the difference).

In Africa it has been a cultural and/or a traditional practice for a very long time. Although some cultures, due to a level of westernization of religion will only look at it as old relic and outdated practice, it is still highly practiced in some societies and culture. I understand that the rationale given for the practice of polygyny in Africa is provided by two schools of thought - the Social and Economic .Proponents of the Social School explained that at the time polygyny was established as the legal form of marriage, the ratio of women to men in Africa was about 10 to 1. As the result, those who were responsible for establishing social institutions - the elders, including women, decided to come up with a marriage system that would address this problem. Their aim at the time was to provide a balance and equal distribution of social, material, security and economic benefits to both women and men.

Islam allows men to engage in polygyny. They may have two, three, or four wives at the same time and may have one wife and be monogamous. Nonetheless, the number of wives that a man may have in Islam, if he chooses to engage in polygyny, must not exceed four at any given time . Contrary to the believe that Muslims practice polygamy,  I am certain no one has ever heard a Muslim woman has had more than one husband at the same time – NEVER in Islam. It is called polyandry and it is unacceptable. The passage in the Qur'an dealing directly with the topic of polygamy is in Surah 4 Verse 3:

And if you fear that you cannot act equitably towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess; this is more proper, that you may not deviate from the right course.

it saddens me that most men use religion an tradition as excuses for their infidelity in marriages. According to the modernists, man just cannot take more than one wife simply because he likes some other woman or gets enamored of her beauty . Considering the high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases around the world , having multiple spouses is linked to the spread of HIV . Also, putting into consideration the economic recession ,managing a polygynous family is really expensive . There is also a Verse that discourages the practice of polygyny in the Quran (Verse 129 in Surah 4) which is a sort of response to the Verse 3 in Surah 4:

You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire, so do not incline too much to one of them (by giving her more of your time and provision) so as to leave the other hanging (i.e. neither divorced nor married). And if you do justice, and do all that is right and fear Allâh by keeping away from all that is wrong, then Allâh is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful..

Although I hope to get married someday but thinking of marriage as an African woman and also a Muslim scares me . A cheating husband is a lot to contend with let alone having my husband marry other wives because my culture and religion allows it beats me. In view of this I think it is only proper for men to think deeply about their reasons rather than practice it for using religion or tradition as their excuse.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I actually saw this somewhere and i loved it.

I am curvy.
I have scars.
I have cellulite.
I have been told I am beautiful.
I have been told the exact opposite.
I have been told to be proud of myself.
I have been told to starve myself.
Big boobs, jelly belly and hips galore.
Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I don’t.
I am working on it. I am me and i love me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I know most young girls dream of how falling in love would be like, of being smitten by a significant other. From the moment she starts watching the likes of Cinderella, beauty and the beast, snow white etc her dreams and fantasies begin. She starts thinking about how one day a young man will come along and whisk her off her feet and they would get married, have kids and live happily ever after in a very big palace with servants and maids. Well, I still have this dream although not the same as the Cinderella story but very similar to it but one with the perspective of someone from the 21st century.
I still remember my first kiss in the summer of 2004. I was about 15 years old and how I felt afterwards. When I got home that day I couldn’t eat and thoughts of the kiss kept flashing through my mind and as time went by my favorite song was 'could I have this kiss forever by Enrique Iglesias'…Oh! I loved that song. At that point in time I was in love or so I thought. Well, things didn’t work out between me and the guy due to one reason or the other and I moved on with my life. I have been in other relationships ever since then but honestly, I have never been in love…. Yes you read it correctly; I have never been in love. I have liked them in their own separate way but I can’t equate the feeling to love.
Quite frankly I don’t have a long list of how I want my dream guy to look like and all but believe me I have fantasies. I don’t want a perfect man because I am not perfect too. Is it wrong to have these fantasies? To dream of one who understands you, who in his eyes you see yourself, your significant other, one who helps you define love.... I still remember the look on Cinderella's face and I want that too, the look on snow white's face when she met her prince but in my own case I am looking for prince of my heart (smiles). I know happily ever afters don’t exist but do you know what it feels like to be in love? Even if the feeling is for a moment it lasts a life time my dear but then again, how do you know the feeling? How do you distinguish like from love? Well I am yet to experience it and hopefully I would know the difference.
Yes I know that this would seem a little puerile and you must be thinking to yourself 'what the hell is she thinking?' life isn’t a fairytale. Well people dream and they come true. I bet Obama would have dreamt of becoming a president at one point or the other in his life, dreamt of what it would feel like living in the white house and all and look! He is now the president of America living his dreams. They were yesterday's fantasies, yesterday's fairytale my dear.
I am still waiting to fall in love some day. I don’t know when thou. Waiting to have the feeling my favorite cartoon characters as a child felt when they met their princes (should I add I wish myself luck. (This is the sentimental and eccentric side of me that only few people know about so act like you didn’t read anything!!!!!)
Inspired by the movie- the notebook

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I am an ardent fashion lover. i am extremely interested in photography, computers, gadgets, arts, fashion, music, nature and beauty. This does not include my undying love for God. I try as much as possible to put God first in everything I do because He alone can make whatever one plans to achieve in life a success.
I love clothes, wearing them makes me feel good, thinking of them also gives me pleasure and the though of designing them sends chills down my spine. I have never designed any cloth before but I hopeto one day. I went to a fashion magazine today and I totally loved most of the things I saw. I pictured myself in some of the clothes even though I am not a slim person. I though of myself as a size 10 which I am not even close to because I am an 18 but sincerely I pray and hope that in no time I will become a 12. I closed my eyes and imagined how lovely a skirt or gown or top will look on me, God! I loved the look in my minds eye…lol. It makes me auspicious because I know the future holds a lot of opened doors for me. I also love shoes, hair, make-up, perfumes .
what actually attracted me to the magazine which was lying aimlessly on my step mum's bed was the pictures. I love taking pictures and I pray that in the nearest future I will be one of the best photographers in the world(amen). I appreciate good pictures and I liked the ones I saw. In fact it gives on insights into what pictures should look like and how they should be taken even though I have not taken any good pictures in a long time, it felt like a re-awakening and it felt really good I promise. I also love taking pictures of nature, the rising and setting sun, animals, insects etc. it makes me marvel at how beautiful the world we live in is. It makes me appreciate God more.
Music, I have loved music ever since I have been able to understand what good music is, I grew up listening to the likes of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. My parents have never really been crazy about music in fact my father cannot stand too much music, loud music and after a while it bores him out. For me, it doesn’t. most times it feels like a comfort zone. There is a therapeutic feeling I get when ever I listen to music. It is a way of life. I often like to equate it to poetry and I wonder what it would have been like if I could write music and play a musical instrument.
I am studying computer science and quite unfortunately I don’t yet know what I want to major in but I love computers to an extent and I am still hungry for more knowledge about it. My love for electronic gadgets however cannot be over emphasized. I love ipods, ipads, computers, phones and other gadgets. I honestly cant explain why I love them but all I know is that I do. they are one of the good things of life and no one can deny how much they make our lives easier.
As much as I love all these things( the good things of life) I cannot neglect my love for God and my fear of God. Thoughts of him make me cautious of the things I do and think of doing. It is pretty difficult to love exposing one's hair or other parts of the body when my religion does not condole it. My religion requires a woman to cover her hair, some other parts of her body. There are several times when I feel like I am thorn in between two worlds. A world of my desire and that of my God. The battle is always on and I hope that of my God prevails.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

God is responsible...

I do not want to sound cocky but I do not read as much as many people in my class but I still come out tops and this cannot but be attributed to God. In fact these days I know I do not read that much or write satisfactorily enough during exams except in some papers and when the result comes out I do excellently well . Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot but I am relating it to most of my friends .I am not saying that I am better than most of these people but the truth be told that there is someone up there performing miracles and smiling at me.
I love to read books but I have realised that I am not always patient enough o learn the details of everything. Whenever I read a newspaper or magazine I read only the basics and I don’t bother my head with the details and I must confess that I am not happy about this and I have tried several times to do something about it but it has been abortive. I know of someone who pays attention to every detail and it has really helped her and although I have never told her about it but I really envy her a lot because of the positive results she gets from doing so.
these days I do not read as much as I used to . Could it be because I watch the television too much or due to some other reason I am not aware of? The truth be told that I preferred my life when I used to read more to the way it is now. I am now more interested in entertainment which to me doesn’t boost one's level of intelligence at the rate at which reading does. I achieved more during those times of my life and incidentally, this is the period when I need to read more.
I know that my school is not also one that permits reading beyond one's scope of study but instead it makes you read less, in fact you cram before your exams . This attitude is not peculiar to only my school but in other schools in Nigeria as well. Many students only read to pass and not for both passing and gaining the knowledge.
there is a saying that ' work like there is no God, and pray like there is no work' , combining both always work together for good. These days I have been thinking of how to revitalize my reading habits and try as much as possible to read more and also increase the rate at which I pray to God because He has been watching over me and there is a saying that 'heaven helps those who help themselves'. My prayer is that God should continue to grant unto me retentive memory, mercy and a continual remembrance of Him at all times because my success in life can only be attributed to Him alone.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Although this seems like a very unusual topic but honestly, it isn't for me because I am Musophic. Wondering what it means? It is from the Latin word Mus for mouse meaning fear of mouse. There are also other words like Muriphobia or Suriphobia.
I have always been scared of rats since when I was little and it really shocking to most people who feel it is totally stupid to fear such a small creature, some even think I just fake it. I honestly can’t explain what goes on in my body whenever I sense or see one all I know is that adrenaline pumps to my brain and I cannot but start shaking, and my mouth becomes really dry and my goose bumps come out on my skin. Talking about size, there is a common western folk belief that elephants are scared of rats. So why would anyone say that I am just being stupid or something? Lol
I have tried several times to know why I have this phobia and I have come up with a couple of reasons which might not even be the real but they just might be anyway. Could it be because of their smell? I have asked myself several times, I really don’t know even if it is, it is not the main reason I guess. It might be because I have had the experience of rats climbing my legs and when I think about it afterwards I still feel the way I felt when it happened no matter the time difference. Those memories still remain evergreen in my heart. How on earth will I ever forget such an icky feeling? It might also be hereditary. Yes this is possible because my dad also dreads them, so I guess I inherited it from him then so sometimes I feel there is no cause for alarm. It has to do with my genes because experts say that it is hereditary. I am also aware that they are dangerous to the health. They carry all sorts of diseases that are harmful to man and they are extremely destructive animals. This could also be one of the reasons.
In 2007 however, I watched a computer animated film produced by Pixar and marketed by Walt Disney pictures titled Ratatouille.It was about Remy, a rat who dreams of becoming a chef and tries to achieve his goal by forming an alliance with a Parisian restaurant's garbage boy? I really enjoyed the movie with a beautiful story line. It made me view rats in a different way but I still dread them anyway. In fact, I know how they smell so before anyone else senses them in a room, I am always the first to say 'I think there is a rat around somewhere'.
Recently, I found out that rats are very symbolic to the Chinese culture .The Rat (鼠) is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese Zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Rat is associated with the earthly branch symbol 子. The Chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of Rat.
You wouldn’t believe the things I learnt about rat people. Rat people are expressive and can be talkative sometimes, they love to party and can be quiet at times although in rear cases. Rat people usually have more acquaintances than real friends and they revere and cherish those close to them. Once you become their real friends, they will treat you as their family. Even though they can be talkative sometimes, they never confide in anyone. With clairvoyance, intuition, perspicacity and an eye for detail, Rats are formidable problem solvers, finding workable solutions to the knottiest problems. The Rat is not romantic, but he is sensual and loving. The most interesting of all these facts is that January is the month of the Rat and I was born in January…lol. Honestly, I think I share a lot in common with rat people but still it doesn’t take the fear away. What if I am a rat? Yes very funny right? Because that thought alone sends chills down my spine.
I cannot kill a rat neither can I love them. Some people keep them as pets. I cannot even picture myself holding one not to talk of rearing one. I hope my fear goes away someday but until then I guess I have to live with it and try as much as possible to avoid them but the bottom line is this: 'rats are wonderful creatures, love or hate them'.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Inspiration from Muhammad Ali

For some time now I have been looking for something to motivate me to read for my CCNA( Cisco certified network assistant)exam and in fact I gave myself the deadline of the first of August to start reading but unfortunately, I haven't been able to pick up the book let alone read it. it is breaking my heart and I cannot place my finger on the reason why I haven't been able to read it and the worse part is that I am suppose to write the exam at the end of the month. Could it be because I am loosing my faith in myself and in humanity or because I am grappling with a lot of things? luckily for me I guess I found a reason to go on. I saw a documentary on Muhammad Ali. I thought about it all night and now I guess I am ready to face my fears and move on no matter what.
The title of the documentary was 'facing Ali' and it was about the men who fought against Muhammad Ali during his career as a boxer. Great boxers like Leon Spinks, ken Norton, Trevor Berbick and some others spokes about him, their fights, his career and most importantly how he librated the black men of his time. Many of them chose boxing as their career because of him and because of how it had helped to cause positive changes to the black people.
Mohammad Ali, born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on the 17th of January, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, united states to a father who painted bill boards and signposts and a mother who was a household domestic, changed his name after joining the nations of Islam in 1964. He is a former American boxer nicknamed the greatest and a three time world heavy weight champion. During his career Ali was involved in several historic matches. Out of 61 fights he won 56 and lost 5. He was indeed a great fighter. In 1984 however, he was diagnosed of Parkinson's disease and despite his disease he remained a beloved and public figure. In 1999, Ali was crowned "Sportsman of the Century" by sports illustrated and "Sports Personality of the Century" by the BBC.
Muhammad Ali to me is a legend and he used to say that 'I am the greatest' . He was the greatest in in time. it wasn’t as if he didn’t face challenges or that he didn’t have his fears too just like all other humans but today he is a celebrated hero because of the battles he fought due to his indomitable spirit. Ali was well known for his unorthodox fighting style, which he described as "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"..
According to the Ali Center website, "Since he retired from boxing, Ali has devoted himself to humanitarian endeavors around the globe. He is a devout Muslim, and travels the world over, lending his name and presence to hunger and poverty relief, supporting education efforts of all kinds, promoting adoption and encouraging people to respect and better understand one another. It is estimated that he has helped to provide more than 22 million meals to feed the hungry. Ali travels, on average, more than 200 days per year."
Boxing is a very dangerous sport because boxers are susceptible to a lot of injuries ranging from head injuries, eye injuries, body damages other diseases at old age. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons say that 90% of boxers sustain a brain injury. It is not surprising that head injury is so common in boxing. It is estimated that when a boxer gets a direct blow to the head it is like being hit by a 12lb padded, wooden mallet travelling at 20mph!
Being hit on the head can cause fractures to the bone of the head and face and tissue damage in the brain. A blow can damage the surface of the brain, tear nerve networks, cause lesions, bleeding and sometimes produce large clots within the brain.
We all hear about great men whose stories change our lives forever. From Muhammad Ali's story I have come to realise that nothing ever remains the same. We all have different times when we flourish and times when we don’t but the most important thing is for us to live our lives in such a way that we would we would not regret at the end of the day.
Just like I want to meet great men like Nelson Mandela who have changed the world in their own way, I also want to meet Muhammad Ali because I see he as a hero. I am surprised about this statement myself because until now I didn’t consider these type of people as heroes instead I just see them as men who became great because of the opportunities they had. I am glad I now know the difference.
At the end of it all, I am holding a statement he made in 1942 very close to my heart which is that 'Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. I wish myself luck in my reading and I hope to pass my exams in flying colours .