Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I actually saw this somewhere and i loved it.

I am curvy.
I have scars.
I have cellulite.
I have been told I am beautiful.
I have been told the exact opposite.
I have been told to be proud of myself.
I have been told to starve myself.
Big boobs, jelly belly and hips galore.
Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I don’t.
I am working on it. I am me and i love me.


  1. I relate to this a 100 percent and this just made me a little teary-eyed. May I post this on my blog too?

  2. of course dearie.... i am on tumblr. u could come and join too cos u will get to see beautiful pieces like this from people with great minds... how r u doing dear? have u resumed back to school?

  3. I think I just might join tumblr too. Post a link to your tumblr blog. I'm good oh and I resume later this month. How's India working for you?
